Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,
As we approach the end of the year, we are reminded of God’s unwavering faithfulness and the strength we draw from your continued prayers and support. Your partnership is invaluable as we navigate the challenges and give thanks to our God and to those who have stood with us, and what God is doing through the ministry entrusted to us across the South Pacific.
Praise the Lord and give thanks, for He is good, and His steadfast love endures forever! (Ps. 106:1)
God is the source of all goodness. His goodness is limitless, far beyond what we can perceive in the beauty of creation or understand through the Scriptures. These are revelations of His character, but they capture only a fragment of His infinite goodness. Still, even this glimpse of His goodness is a treasure, an overwhelming abundance for us to behold.

Not only is God infinitely good, but His goodness is unchanging and eternal. It neither increases nor diminishes; it is constant and unwavering. In Him, there is no darkness, no shadow of imperfection—only pure, unalterable goodness. There is no “better version” of God waiting to emerge; He has always been and will always be perfectly good. His goodness is characterised by boundless benevolence and the complete absence of malice. God does not grow or improve; He is already the pinnacle of perfection.
The evident goodness of God in creation is both a call to gratitude and a measure of accountability. Romans 1 reminds us that this goodness leaves no excuse for those who fail to honour Him, while the psalms repeatedly encourage us to respond with thankfulness. The psalmist calls us again and again: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good” (Ps. 106:1; 107:1; 118:1, 29; 136:1). His goodness is an invitation to worship with humility and thankfulness. It shines like a precious gem on our path, obvious to all who look, though only the wise and faithful stop to treasure it. It is a perfect, shadowless light refracting His glory for all to see.

As we reflect on the past month, we are filled with thankfulness for your prayers and support, which enable us to continue the work God has called us to in the South Pacific. As we approach Christmas, we are reminded of the greatest gift ever given—the gift of Jesus Christ, who came to redeem a lost and broken world.
We invite you to consider this: it costs nearly $75,000 USD to bring one pastor from the South Pacific to the United States to study for a year. However, with the same $75,000 USD, Ambassadors for Christ (SP) can provide one year of training for over 100 students right here in the South Pacific! Your giving and investment in student scholarships will equip believers to make Christ known in their communities and beyond.

As 2024 draws to a close, we are trusting the Lord to provide for our basic ministry needs for the coming year. Our total budget for our 2025 essentials is $240,000 USD, which supports all aspects of our ministry, including the Fiji Bible College, the School of Evangelism, Christian Helps, the Vocational School, the Gospel Retreat Centre and the AFC(SP) Preschool/kindergarten.
Repair Needs for the Vocational School
Our Vocational School has suffered extensive termite damage, with repair costs estimated at $15,000 USD (approximately $20,000 AUD). We are trusting God to provide for these repairs so we can continue to serve and educate students in a safe environment.
Fiji Bible College (CTEF) Maintenance
The Bible College requires significant upkeep to prevent major and costly damage. Areas needing attention include student washrooms, flat walkways, the Library due to termite damage and general maintenance around the compound. We value your prayers for these critical needs.
Would you consider making a year-end gift to help meet these needs? Whether through financial support or prayer, your partnership enables us to continue proclaiming God’s truth and love throughout the South Pacific.

Thank you for your prayers for Monika. It is with sorrow that we share she passed away two weeks after our last prayer letter. Please pray for her family, which includes her elderly parents and the children she adopted and cared for. Most in her household do not know Christ. We are praying for opportunities to minister to them during this time of loss and to point them to the great Shepherd who cares for their souls. There are billions who are headed toward a lost eternity which include the Islands of the South Pacific. Christ is the only hope and He is hope enough - we are called to simple faithfulness in proclaiming Him and living His love out.
In our last prayer letter, we shared the wonderful news that BarnabasAid International had sent us another container of food - six tons of rice to distribute! Since then, our Christian Helps team, led by Richard Krishna, has been busy delivering these much-needed food packs to some of the most destitute in our society. Beyond meeting physical needs, this effort has provided opportunities to share the gospel and speak about the Lord Jesus and His heart to seek and save the lost.
Only eternity will reveal the impact of these seeds planted for His kingdom. It is our joy and responsibility to keep planting and watering, trusting our Heavenly Father to bring the growth in His time. As Scripture reminds us, He desires that none should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). This is the very heart of the Christian Helps ministry—to share Christ’s love in both word and deed so that many might come to know Him who is the friend of sinners and sufferers.
Farewell to a Faithful Family
We also bid farewell to Sarita, Shelvin, Shanel, and Sylvia, who will be migrating to New Zealand. Sarita has been my longest-serving assistant and financial controller of the AFC(SP) ministry, faithfully labouring in ministry for nearly two decades. I praise God for her tireless service. Shelvin has served the Lord with gladness, living out the call of Psalm 100:2: “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.” We will miss this dear family and pray for God’s richest blessings as they begin a new chapter.
For nearly six decades, the Lord has sustained and guided this ministry. We are continually encouraged by the prayers, the unity and generosity of those who stand with us. Your prayers and support are a testament to the body of Christ working together to advance His kingdom. The Lord knows our needs, He has always provided As we face these challenges, we remain confident that our gracious Father knows our every need. It is a tremendous comfort knowing that our God is with us every step of the way.
From all of us at Ambassadors for Christ (South Pacific), we send you the warmest Christmas greetings. May this season of celebration remind us of the wonder of the incarnation—our great Saviour, God, and King who came to set the captives free so they might know and worship Him.
In Christ Love,
Narayan, Savita and the AFC(SP) Team
At this time of giving, if you would like to help the work of the Lord in the South Pacific you can go to the link below for further information. We thank you for your prayers and love.
