Would You Consider Partnering With Us?
"We believe that when the Bible is taught with clarity, God is seen in all of His majesty and holiness - hearts are conquered, minds are renewed, and communities are transformed. To that end, every gift matters, thank you."
Every month we have a minimum requirement to keep all operations running. Monthly recurring donations and one time donations are all welcomed.
Donations are done securely through our merchant "Stripe" and can be done by clicking on the following button "Donate Now". This will redirect you to a different website for payment to be taken. All payments are in Australian Dollars.
If you would like to donate via AFCI, please select under "Fund" - "Narayan Nair" or "Fiji Bible College" - All payments are made using "Pushpay"
By donating you are helping the facilitation of the work in Fiji through the arm of the Ambassadors For Christ
If the Lord has led you to partner with us then we hope that this new development will be as exciting for you as it is for us. We have now partnered with BREAD – Barnabas Relief Education And Development (a sister organisation to Barnabasaid). We have been in communication with BREAD and Barnabas for the last several months and the Lord has been pleased to open this wonderful door. This partnership will greatly aid our mission in reaching many more people.
If you make your donation to us via BREAD, they will provide you with a taxable receipt which can be claimed at the end of the financial year. To contribute through BREAD's platform, please visit: https://breadprojects.org/donate/donate-financial/
Donate | BREAD Australia (breadprojects.org)
Click on 'make a financial donation here'
Click the dropdown for 'I want to give to:' and select Fiji Humanitarian Aid